80% of students change their majors and 70% of American’s report being dissatisfied with how they spend 24% of their week working. We will spend over 50 years of our lives working and sleeping. The majority of high school students can only name a handful of jobs, most of which they are not interested in. Most jobs they can name also wear uniforms because that is what they have visually seen since they were in preschool; community helpers. Shouldn’t how we spend our time earning money be one of the most important decisions we ever make? How can we make these decisions if we don’t know our options? Even a minimum wage worker has a choice between working as a cashier at a pet food store, an auto supply store, or at a museum, but we focus more of what we want to be or what we are qualified to do rather than where we want to work. Likewise,
6 figure earners like engineers have the same choice; to engineer sprinkler control panels, running shoes, or rollercoasters. But…..we can never become what we don’t know exists. Career Vision restores choice to how we spend our time working and earning money.